Course Offerings by Semester
Courses Offered During Both Fall and Spring Semesters:
1106 Introduction to Neuroscience Laboratory
1305 Introduction to Psychological Science
1306 Introduction to Neuroscience
2306 Research Methods in Neuroscience
2402 Introduction to Statistics
2405 Research Methods in Psychology
3111 Laboratory in Cognition
3120 Laboratory in Learning and Behavior
3123 Laboratory in Sensation and Perception
3308 Theories of Psychotherapy/Counseling
3310 Social Psychology
3311 Cognition
3320 Learning and Behavior
3321 Abnormal Psychology
3323 Sensation and Perception
3330 Psychopathology
3341 Survey of Human Development
3350 Lifespan Human Development
3V90 Community Internship
4V96 Special Topics
4119 Laboratory in Clinical Neuroscience
4130 Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience
4312 Behavioral Medicine
4319 Clinical Neuroscience
4327 Theories of Personality
4330 Advanced Principles of Neural Science
4356 Neuropharmacology
4380 Psychology of Personal Relationships
4400 Advanced Statistics
*Not offered every academic year
Courses Offered During Fall Semesters Only:
*3355 Drugs and Behavior
*3380 Forensic Psychology
*3381 Neuroscience and the Law
*4317 Neuroscience Literature
*Not offered every Fall
Courses Offered During Spring Semesters Only:
*3309 Introduction to Clinical Psychology
*3335 Child Psychopathology
*3318 Psychology of Memory
*3390 Developmental Neuroscience
*4329 Consciousness and Mind
*Not offered every Spring
Courses Offered During Summer Semester:
1106 Introduction to Neuroscience Laboratory
1305 Introduction to Psychological Science
1306 Introduction to Neuroscience
2402 Introduction to Statistics
*2405 Research Methods in Psychology
3111 Laboratory in Cognition
3311 Cognition
*3320 Learning and Behavior
3321 Abnormal Psychology
3341 Survey of Human Development
3350 Lifespan Human Development
*Not offered every Summer
Course offered During Summer Only:
3314 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
4385 Psychology of Film
A Note About Changes in Course Offerings: This list is based on past experience and anticipated offerings; however, it is subject to change without notice as the department retains the prerogative of changing course offerings at any time. Changes may be necessary due to faculty availability or program changes. STUDENTS ARE ADVISED TO CHECK OFFERINGS AND ADJUST THEIR DEGREE PLANS OFTEN TO AVOID DELAYS IN GRADUATION.