Contact Us
Office Manager, Baylor Psychology Clinic
Office Manager, Psychology & Neuroscience Department
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Graduate Studies Coordinator
The Baylor University Psychology and Neuroscience Department
is located in the Baylor Sciences Building on the corner of University Parks and Bagby Ave.
The departmental suite is located on the third floor, B.309.
Office Hours: M-F: 8 AM-12 PM, 1 PM-5 PM
Phone: (254) 710-2961
Fax: (254) 710-3033
Mailing Address:
Baylor Psychology and Neuroscience Department
One Bear Place 97334
Waco, TX 76798-7334
Physical Address:
(Also for FedEx and UPS Deliveries requiring a street address)
Baylor Psychology and Neuroscience Department
Baylor Sciences Building
101 Bagby Ave.
Waco, TX 76706
Guests should park at the Wiethorn Visitor's Center, 55 Baylor Avenue, off University Parks Dr.
For a detailed map of campus, click here