Christine A. Limbers, Ph.D.
Graduate Program Director, Psy.D. program Professor of Psychology

Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 2010
B.A., Santa Clara University, 2003
Dr. Limbers joined the Baylor faculty in Fall 2010. Prior to coming to Baylor, she completed her clinical internship at Duke University Medical School.
Academic Interests and Research:
My research focuses on the assessment of neurocognitive outcomes in obese children and adolescents, the development and validation of patient-reported outcome measures for children with chronic health conditions, and expanding the understanding of evidence-based pediatric interventions.
Selected Recent Publications:
Limbers, C.A. (2021). Factors associated with caregiver preferences for their children’s return to school during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of School Health, 91, 3-8.
Limbers, C.A., Greenwood, E.*, & Horan, M.* (2020). Convergent and discriminant validity of the Emotional Eating Scale Adapted for Children and Adolescents Short-Form. Eating Behaviors, 39, 101442.
Limbers, C.A., McCollum, C.*, & Greenwood, E.* (2020). Physical activity moderates the association between parenting stress and quality of life in working mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 19, 100358.
Larson, M.*, Latendresse, S., Teasdale, A.*, & Limbers, C.A. (2020). The Pediatric Inventory for parents: Development of a short-form in fathers of children with Type 1 Diabetes. Child: Care, Health, and Development, 46, 468-484.
Limbers, C.A., Gutierrez, A.*, & Cohen, L.A.* (2020). The patient-centered medical home: Mental health and parenting stress in mothers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 11.
*Indicates student co-author
Current Psy.D. Students:
Hannah Skiest, Franklin & Marshall College
Tatum Zeleznik, The Ohio State University
Erin Laurel, Texas A&M University
Tara Luers, Miami University
Current Ph.D. Students:
Amy Baskin, Howard Payne University/Abilene Christian University
Courses taught at Baylor:
- PSY 3308 - Theories of Psychotherapy and Counseling
- PSY 3321 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSY 3330 - Psychopathology
- PSY 5410 - Child Psychopathology & Assessment